Character- Octonaut 

Created by:  Rodney Lockett

Other picture: 


Real Name: Sam Wilkins
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Age: 87

Born in: Great Britain

Ethical alliance: Villain


In 1959, Sam served in the Britain Royal Navy, and was part of their Bravo Squadron specializing in Scuba Diving. 

The War may have been over for years, but there were still reminders of what had been. The Germans had seeded many parts of the ocean with mines, and although most of these had been detonated, many more were still hidden, and could cause danger to unsuspecting crafts. One of Bravo Squadron's tasks was to clear shipping lanes of such mines.

During a routine mine sweep, Sam's team came across a few that needed to be disarmed. As the team worked on the old mines, they were unaware that someone was watching them. It was Keto, the goddess of the sea.

When one of the mines equipped with a timer started ticking, Sam knew that there would not be enough time to get away safely. He and his men were about to die.

He decided that if he was going to die, he would try to save his men. Sam signalled his men to swim away, and he started to swim in the opposite direction, increasing the distance between them. He didn't know how much time he had before the mine blew, but he would do his best to buy the men some time.

Keto watched passively. She would not interfere. This was a man problem. They had done enough damage to her seas, and she would not help men in this situation.

But then she witnessed something that made her pause. The man pushing the mine noticed a very large octopus swimming towards him and the object of death he was pushing.

Keto saw how he tried to change direction to avoid pushing the mine towards the majestic creature. Had he just pushed it off and swum away, he may have survived, but the few seconds it took him to redirect the mine would prove fatal.

The man pushed off from the mine, sending it in a different direction, but he and the octopus were too close. The mine detonated, taking the man's legs and causing lethal damage to the octopus's head. The two lifeless bodies sank to the ocean floor.

As Keto started to swim away from the tragedy, she hesitated and turned back. She approached the bodies and used her goddess powers to merge them.  The top half of the man and the tentacles of the octopus were made one.

Sam was gone, his body was now a vessel to do Keto's bidding. She named him Octonaut and placed him on the Atlantean super team, the Seaguard.


Super strength: 
Each tentacle can lift 1 ton, as can his human arms, but using all limbs in unison, Octonaut can lift around 10 tons.

Underwater breathing: He can breathe underwater and can also breathe air.

Substance secretion: Octonaut can produce a jet of ink capable of blinding his opponents for several minutes.

Healing factor: He can heal and regenerates his limbs at incredible speeds.

Weaknesses: Octonaut cannot stay out of the water for too long, if he is, the skin of the octopus part of his body will dry out.

He still wears his scuba diving helmet, although it serves no function other than hiding his rotting face.