Level Hierarchy 

          Level hierarchy situates the character's overall position in the database. Since each of the character's
          stats influences the overall level, a character's position in the lower ranks, by no means, diminishes the
ability to defeat someone of a higher level. Naturally, a level 50 character would likely have
          little chance against 
a level 80 character but depending on what his strengths were, anything is possible.


          Baba BhaluDarqueenDreamsongkilspykekittykat  

          Madame GuardianMr FixxNoose FingersPoker Acepsylash 

          Rex DavidsonVamp 


          Blaque OnyxKnight PandaKwizzikLeading ManMantis 

          MarionettePhilly GirlPirayapoison arrow     

          ReplikateSgt OBrienSmoke SignalSnow Crystal


          BengalBlitzkriegDevil StixDingoEye of Justice 

          Killer StingMaskpantherRat BastardSaturnineTransplant



          Firefighter 1FoxicKestrelPeacemakerrebull 




          Aerial SilkdirewolfHero Complex KidjihadMardi GrasNyte Fyter    

          Rick JohnsonTension


          ArcticaAmerican B EagleOzaleckRosie the Riveter
